Rainbows Starry Sleepover

Summary of idea

The mission of Girlguiding: 'Through fun, friendship challenge and adventure we empower girls to find their voice, inspiring them to discover the best in themselves and to make a positive difference in their community'.

The leaders of 1st Thurso Rainbows unit would like to take our group of girls on a sleepover to Forse of Nature in Latheron. The guest house is situated in a location far enough from home to be adventurous, while being close enough for transport. Along with five leaders, our group of 20 girls, aged between five and seven years old, will be given the opportunity to:

  • Build friendships
  • Cook outdoors 
  • Increase confidence
  • Spend time in nature
  • Have fun
  • Get active and build resilience through play
  • Earn a badge.

Find out more about Rainbows in their video.

This event will be provided to girls without asking for any financial contribution from parents.

Amount requested 

£375 (the total amount available for all ideas is £32,000)

Name of organisation

1st Thurso Rainbow Guides

Where this will take place


Why the contribution is important

Each application for this fund is to meet the criteria set out by the project Steering Group. More information about the project and the Steering Group is available here

The idea will support the following broad theme(s) to make a difference locally:

  • Safety and wellbeing - including mental health: Making sure that everyone in Caithness has the chance to lead safe, healthy, active lives.
  • Poverty and inequality - including tackling cost of living, fuel poverty and transport: Reduce the harms caused by poverty and inequality, and improve dignity for anyone experiencing poverty.


How to vote 

  • Anyone can vote on as many or few ideas as they like 
  • We are using stars to cast votes and you have a maximum of five stars for each idea 
  • The more stars you give an idea, the more you support it
  • For example, if you really like an idea and want it to receive funding, you could give it five stars
  • You don't have to vote for everything but we would encourage you to explore all ideas
  • The ideas that receive the most votes will be successful until all of the £32,000 is spent.

by InsightEngagement_PoliceScotland on November 09, 2022 at 05:45PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.5
Based on: 52 votes


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