Caithness Street Pastors

Summary of idea

To patrol in the community to listen, care and help anyone who for whatever reason is in need of assistance. 

The Caithness Street Pastor initiative aim is to help maintain a safe community through the interaction of Street Pastors as we go out on patrol; listening, caring and helping all we meet on the streets who need help or assistance. We work alongside the other agencies such as the police and the NHS to complement their work by providing a listening, caring and helping service and so releasing their resources to be used more efficiently and effectively. We are a voluntary charitable organisation and come from all Christian denominations across Caithness and rely solely on donations from the public for funding.

As a newly formed Street Pastor group (the most northerly mainland Street Pastor group) we need to purchase warm clothing and uniforms for the volunteers, pay for training which is provided by qualified staff and to a common standard set by the Ascension Trust which is the overarching body, equip the patrols with a backpack that is full of useful items to help those we meet that are in need such as: bottled water to assist recovery from an excess of alcohol, space blankets for those who are suffering from extreme cold especially during the winter months, lollipops to ensure blood glucose levels are maintained, flip-flops for those who have blistered and sore feet from walking in high heels, first aid equipment to treat minor cuts and bruises, woolly hats and gloves for those caught out on a winters evening, night or early morning so that they can be kept safe.

Alongside the impact Street Pastors make within the community, there are other benefits:

  • Local churches work together at both leadership and congregational levels
  • Because we are volunteers we can assure continuity
  • We can offer long term sustainable programme
  • Local churches have greater credibility with local communities, local government and police
  • We regularly have the opportunity to share our faith when people ask about God and Christianity
  • The lives of individuals and the community in which they live are improved.

Amount requested 

£2,620 (the total amount available for all ideas is £32,000)

Name of organisation

Caithness Street Pastors

Where this will take place

Streets of Wick and Thurso and at events such as the County Show or Halkirk and Mey Highland Games

Why the contribution is important

Each application for this fund is to meet the criteria set out by the project Steering Group. More information about the project and the Steering Group is available here

The idea will support the following broad theme(s) to make a difference locally:

  • Safety and wellbeing - including mental health: Making sure that everyone in Caithness has the chance to lead safe, healthy, active lives.


How to vote 

  • Anyone can vote on as many or few ideas as they like 
  • We are using stars to cast votes and you have a maximum of five stars for each idea 
  • The more stars you give an idea, the more you support it
  • For example, if you really like an idea and want it to receive funding, you could give it five stars
  • You don't have to vote for everything but we would encourage you to explore all ideas
  • The ideas that receive the most votes will be successful until all of the £32,000 is spent.

by InsightEngagement_PoliceScotland on November 09, 2022 at 06:10PM

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