Promote a zero-tolerance approach towards VAWG internally within Police Scotland
Promote a zero-tolerance approach towards VAWG internally
- Set out a strong message about the organisation’s values and approach to VAWG during recruitment.
- Review vetting process to identify negative and harmful attitudes or behaviours among potential employees and avoid perpetrators joining the force.
- Improve women’s experiences of working for Police Scotland. This includes encouraging female career progression, incentivising women to work for the organisation, and creating an environment where staff and officers can challenge assumptions and inappropriate language.
- Ensure that police staff/officers who are victims of VAWG are effectively supported.
Why the contribution is important
This idea is from a stakeholder seminar hosted recently by Police Scotland and key partners. It relates to suggested Outcome 4 - Building trust and confidence
by InsightEngagement_PoliceScotland on September 22, 2022 at 02:04PM
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