More Inclusivity in Campaigning

Support and campaign materials for women experiencing abuse need to be more inclusive for those of all races, sexualities, and genders, so that all women feel like they are being represented, as some may feel that campaigns focus too much on heterosexual relationships. This issue came up in the Rise Report by Women’s Aid- The-Rise-Report-Final.pdf (  and respondent’s said that they were more likely to seek out services if they knew there was one available for their specific age group, sexuality, ethnicity, or gender.


Why the contribution is important

This is really important as some women struggle with validating their abuse as they think that someone will always have it worse than them or they don’t know if they will get help because their situation isn’t represented in support campaigns. It is also an important issue as some women aren’t reporting their experiences or seeking out help.

by InsightEngagement_PoliceScotland on August 02, 2022 at 04:52PM

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  • Posted by SusanEdinburgh August 15, 2022 at 13:07

    I thought this was about women and girls. I am not sure how including 'other genders' makes sense. If a woman identifies as a different gender then it may be she is targeted because she is female, or because of her identity. These things are important but there must be understanding of motive of violence. So if a BAME woman is attacked, for example, we need to know is this a hate crime against her because she is female or because of her race. Separate data is required.
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