Acceptable behaviour education

Community outreach programme for schools to cover acceptable behaviour in social situations, role modelling scenarios or situations could be intimidating (large groups of young people, boys vs girls, old vs young etc) to show impact on society. 
Bring in speakers who have been victims for first hand accounts (like the old drug use programme where ex drug users speak to schools)


Why the contribution is important

I don't think young people realise that situations can be intimidating for members of society. The latest "Don't be that guy" campaign is good but aimed at older children. Think need to capitalise on that with younger children and instil what is acceptable behaviour in society and what is not. 

by JillyK on July 12, 2022 at 11:08PM

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  • Posted by Zxzxzxzxzx July 13, 2022 at 13:59

    Speakers in schools is a great idea…..but not the victims, it should be the perpetrators explaining their behaviour and why it was wrong.
  • Posted by gcn July 20, 2022 at 15:04

    that's an interesting thought - first person education, e.g. drug use, driving offences is effective but in this scenario would the offender be allowed into a school environment with certain convictions? Maybe recorded video?
  • Posted by Elspethod July 28, 2022 at 20:41

    Also things like buying a girl doubles when she thinks it's singles, is not funny

    Consent is a huge issue that needs covered and the consequences of this too

    Consequences in general too, if someone goes into a trade and they take the money and don't do the work they they can get done for theft by fraud
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